State All Payer Claims Databases (APCDs) are powerful data resources that can help answer critical questions about the performance of our health care system, including who it is serving, with what services, to what effect, and at what cost.
Join us for a live webinar discussion on State APCDs, the insights they can offer policymakers, regulators, Medicaid agencies, purchasers, and researchers, and how state and federal governments can enhance their utility.
Key topics include:
- Findings from a recent APCD report on how state APCDs can be used to assess the health of our residents and the performance of our health care system to address health needs
- Trends and opportunities for state APCDs as federal and state health agencies face priority shifts with a new administration
- What states considering launching an APCD need to ask first
- Report and webinar developed with support from The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.
View recording here